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SRU - Solid Rock University


Welcome to SRU--Solid Rock University
We’re glad you are seeking out information about Solid Rock Confirmation at Our Savior’s!

But Why Confirmation?
We believe confirmation is a great time to learn and grow as a follower of Jesus. We do this because it matters to God. God wants to be in a relationship with us. God wants us to grow in love toward God, and also toward our neighbor. God wants us to follow him, to listen to God’s word, to pray and serve, and to hang out together. So it’s all about growing as a disciple.

Making disciples is pretty cool stuff. It can be fun. It can be exciting. It may not always be easy, but it will definitely be rewarding. Frankly, we are all in this together. We will all learn together. AND if we put out hearts and minds into it, amazing things can happen….because God is at work!

Registration for our confirmation program can be done online by CLICKING HERE

Please contact Matt Weber, Director of Youth and Family Ministry,

at if you have questions of issues while registering your child.

                 Click to Download 2024-25 Fall/Winter Confirmation Calendar

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Senior High Youth Group is a time for our kids to slow the pace of life down and hang with their friends in a "safe" environment. The senior high youth group experience varies from the middle school one in that although RIOT does not experience the weekly structure that the middle school group does, there are a wider variety of activities which provide students with the opportunity to connect life experiences on a deeper level. There is more of an emphasis on service and mission with opportunities to grow in faith and give of the gifts God has given.

The high school youth have a tradition of participating in a summer trip in July each year. The trip theme changes on a three year rotation:


Mission Trip Year (2025) – On our last mission trip, 15 high school youth and adult chaperones traveled to Kentucky to work with the SWAP (Sharing With Appalachian People) program. We worked on housing renovation projects like building wheelchair ramps, roofing, siding, painting and organizing a local food pantry/homeless shelter. We also visited Mammoth Cave National park and other local recreation sites.


National Youth Gathering (2024) - Our larger church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, hosts a convention for high school youth every three years. In 2024, this event will be in New Orleans, LA. We will experience the culture there, perform service work, listen to world renowned speakers and bands, and hang out with 35,000 other high school Lutherans from around the world. Contact Matt Weber, Director of Youth and Family Ministry for more information about the trip.


Adventure Year (2023) – High school youth will travel to a yet undetermined site for this adventure program. The goal of this year’s trip is to help our students grow in their faith, as they learn to grow in community with one another. This trip will challenge you to step out of your comfort zone and into the amazing possibilities that lie in God’s creation. Adventure trips have included house boat camping, Canadian dog sledding excursions, boundary waters canoe trips, and more!


When the group travels outside of Sun Prairie, a permission slip is needed. Check the weekly announcements and monthly newsletter for more information about our upcoming events and gatherings!

Would you like to join one of our ministries? Give us a call today to join the many worshippers who are already calling Our Savior's Lutheran Church home.


Upcoming CHAOS Events:

Middle school youth group (CHAOS) will begin meeting again on Wednesday nights from 7:45-8:30pm at OSLC (after confirmation class). Whenever we have confirmation class we will also have CHAOS. If we do not have confirmation class, we will not meet for CHAOS. Please see the confirmation schedule for details.

Middle School Youth Group is a time for our kids to slow the pace of life down and hang with their friends in a "safe" environment. As youth grow and learn they begin to look for that third "sacred" space to be themselves. (#1 = home, #2=school) Youth group can provide that opportunity and venue to explore their independence in a safe and supervised place. 

Know that we begin each session (that takes place at OSLC) group games (sometimes high energy, sometimes more relaxed) and always finish up with prayer. In between, we are creating an environment of fun and energy, where healthy relationships can begin to grow. As your child matures into high school, the senior high youth group (RIOT) wrestles more intentionally with faith-based issues and topics that come up in everyday life.

Chaos begins in the fall leading into your child’s 6th grade year through the end of their 8th grade year. Friends are always welcome at all events for youth group. Whenever we host a chaos event that takes place outside of the church property or overnight, a permission slip is required.


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