Gifts for Ministry
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church invites you to participate in a ministry/volunteer position of your choosing. Please download our 2021-2022 Gifts of ministry form and the opportunities booklet to determine what ministry/volunteer positions you may be interested in. We have also added a link for the Fall 2021-2022 Gifts for Ministry Survey.
2021 Form Coming Soon!
We Will Work to Serve our Neighbors and Recognize those Who Serve!
Our Savior’s participates in the ELCA’s annual, “God’s Work. Our Hands.” Sunday. This day of service is an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America – one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor. We will share this day with thousands of ELCA congregations around the country. As Pastor Tim would say, “How Cool is That?!”
The 2016 dedicated day of service marks the 15-year anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States. Our worship invited and recognized those in our community who selflessly serve on a daily basis to protect and serve us. In the words of our presiding Bishop, Elizabeth Eaton:
“The world can be a dangerous place. But there are some who, when disaster strikes, run toward the danger. These are first responders, firefighters, police and EMTs, who live out their baptismal vocation in service to their communities in times of intense need. They do God’s work with their hands.”
Tonya Koskelin, Evangelism Board Leader
God’s Work. Our Hands. Team Chair
Whether we are helping to clean up neighborhoods in Detroit like this youth worker (left) is doing, or we are serving our neighbors across the globe, we are doing God's work with our hands.
The disciples of Our Savior's serve beyond our walls. We:
Feed the hungry in far away countries through donations to ELCA World Hunger.
Feed the hungry in the Sun Prairie community through Sunshine Suppers and Food Pantry.
Send quilts and hospice and health care kits to places like India, Africa and Afghanistan.
Save lives by welcoming to the United States refugee families who have lived for years in refugee camps and are escaping brutal and unsafe conditions. This year, we donated many apartments worth of bedding and household items and also help LSS set up the apartments to make them welcoming when the families arrive.
Help reduce deaths from Malaria in Africa through our donations that help them become more educated about preventing the spread of this disease and to purchase medicine and mosquito nets
See Volunteering (above) for Contact information on how to get involved and make a difference in Jesus' name!
Every Wednesday from September into May from 9-11am a group gathers in the Upper Room of the church to make quilts for Lutheran World relief. Sheets are always a welcomed donation for this group who will put them to good use. Come when you are able, even if you don’t know how to quilt there is a need for your extra hands.