Tim Svendsen
Jen Spredemann
Vice President
Julie Schlinder
Debi Peters
Emily LaFleur
Gary Dalgaard
Ken Sodemann
Public Relations
Ed Nowicki
Brian Loney
Peggy Schaub
Church in Society
Pat Nicholson
Kathryn Derauf
Worship & Arts
Adam Bayliss
Steve Kupcho
Youth & Family
Pastor Seth Hecox joined the staff of Our Savior's in December 2019 and is excited to get involved in all that Our Savior's is already doing in the community. Seth recently moved to the area along with his wife, Chelsea, and sons, Elijah and Adlai. Seth enjoys playing baseball, piano, guitar, and drinking good coffee. Make sure to introduce yourself to him soon, as he loves getting to know folks and hear their stories.
Matt has been with OSLC since 2016. Prior to working in youth ministry, Matt worked for Racine Vocational Ministry in the Community Re-Entry Program, as well as in Milwaukee County as a Pre-Trial Investigator. Matt is a graduate of Carthage College (Kenosha, WI). Matt and his wife Lindsey, a social worker, live in Sun Prairie with their three sons and two dogs. Matt is responsible for Sunday School and Middle School/Confirmation ministries.
Bonnie works with keeping our finances in order! Have a questions about giving to OSLC? Talk to Bonnie!
John Krueger
Organist and Director of Music
Rick Lafleur
Senior Choir Director
Judy and Breta Saganski
Directors of Youth and Alleluia Choirs
Diane Padrutt
Director of Cherub Children's Choirs
Angie Schmidt
Director of Chancel Ringers, Handbell Choir
Darlene came to OSLC in the summer of 2017 and is likely who will answer the phone when you call! She manages all things office related, our church bulletins, announcements, and newsletter along with keeping the rest of us on task!