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Children & Family Ministry 

We Coordinate Fun, Faith-filled Activities for Families with Young Children. At Our Savior’s, we believe our children offer us a glimpse of God’s love on earth, and we empower them to make a difference in the world around them, serving God in their own lives. We hope these events allow our children to learn about God’s love while feeling a part of a special community and making lasting friendships.  Fellowship and Service opportunities bring families together throughout the year! 

Programs are on hold due to Covid related restrictions.

Please contact the church office to learn more.

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Noah’s Park Nursery is open Sunday Morning during Worship and Education Hour.


We strive to have our nursery staffed by caring, fun adults, and youth trained volunteers. While we continue to move through the Pandemic, though, the Nursery will not be staffed, but is open for families to use.

Our Nursery is a place for families to accompany or drop off their children under 4 years of age if needed during worship. We encourage families to worship together at all worship services. Please know that it is possible to hear worship from the nursery through speakers with a volume control on the wall. 

We encourage parents to volunteer in the Nursery during worship, once every two months. Thanks for not bringing food into the nursery; this keeps everyone safe! We do welcome labeled feeding bottles for little ones. 

During worship or adult education we have complimentary vibrating pagers for parents use, so Nursery Volunteers can notify you if the need arises anywhere in the building.

You will be paged if your child had a diaper that needs to be changed immediately or is inconsolable. This is at the discretion of the nursery volunteers. Be assured the nursery volunteers will do their best to engage your child with play and stories about Jesus.

Milestone Ministry


Upon Baptism the Baptized receive a Baptism candle, Sparks Story Bible, Towel and Certificate. Classes are offered six times each year to guide parents as they lead faith, and to learn about OSLC ministry resources available to support them on this important, life-altering, journey.


EARLY COMMUNION    1st Grade & up Welcome- 

Parent and Child attend two classes. The first half of both sessions Pastor shares about the relationship we can have with God through Jesus Christ, Communion, sacraments and how we do Communion at OSLC. During the second part of each class, children paint a remembrance chalice and bake communion bread to be served at all services during Early Communion Weekend.


FAITH CHEST   3rd Grade- 

Talented members of our congregation create handmade wooden Faith Chests for children to keep remembrances of their faith life including, the gifts they receive for each of these milestones. These are blessed and given to our third grade, disciples during our Faith Chest Presentation Service.



This is the perfect Bible to empower our youth as they start their confirmation faith journey; growing in their relationship with Christ now, and throughout their life.


CONFIRMATION   9th Grade – 

Talented members of our congregation create handmade, wooden crosses which are blessed and given to each Confirmand during the special Order of Confirmation Service.



Graduates receive a blessed in prayer, hand tied blanket, to help them feel connected to Christ and their OSLC Family.

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